Do You Have To Train Insane?

If you pay any attention to the latest fitness trends, you’ve probably noticed that things seem to be getting more and more extreme. The more “insane” a workout is, the better. Words such as killer, ...

Modern Hunter-Gatherers Show Value of Exercise

In a remote area of north-central Tanzania, men leave their huts on foot, armed with bows and poison-tipped arrows, to hunt for their next meal. Dinner could come in the form of a small bird, a tower...

What I Eat in a Typical Day

I get asked about diet as much as I get asked about exercise. Diet is so important. Exercise, no matter how hard you work, is not enough. I could go on and on about this (and I often do in my classes...

Is Your Water Safe to Drink?

Although many Americans are aware of the water crises taking place in different parts of the country, such as Flint, Michigan and New Jersey, most believe themselves to be far removed from these situ...

How Foods Can Help Heal Common Ailments

When you’re not feeling well, conventional wisdom says you should reach for over-the-counter or prescription remedies. But many experts point out that foods have healing properties that can be comple...