Modern Hunter-Gatherers Show Value of Exercise

In a remote area of north-central Tanzania, men leave their huts on foot, armed with bows and poison-tipped arrows, to hunt for their next meal. Dinner could come in the form of a small bird, a tower...

Tips to Prevent the Spread of Back-to-School Germs

Back-to-school is an exciting time of year for families, but it also means new exposures to germs. From school desks found to have 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet, to personal items l...

What You Need To Know About The Zika Virus

The Zika virus is a virus being spread by mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti strain. This virus is spreading rapidly through South American countries like Brazil and through the state of Florida. There ...

Stay Fit When You’re Sick

I recently made the mistake of telling some friends that I never get sick. I can’t remember the last time I got really sick. I’ve gotten a cold here and there, but nothing that has really slowed me d...

Change Comes – Ready or Not

This has been a year of change for me. My job has changed; not my job in fitness but my main job, my job as mother. Last August, our middle child and only daughter, headed off to college and joined h...