Ancient Chinese Malaria Remedy Fights TB

A centuries-old herbal medicine, discovered by Chinese scientists and used to effectively treat malaria, has been found to potentially aid in the treatment of tuberculosis and may slow the evolution ...

My Workout Routine and Why

I thought I’d share what my typical fitness week looks like. My workout regimen has changed over the years. My focus is on what my body needs and what I enjoy. I’m done with workouts that don’t make ...

How to Stay Fit and Still Enjoy the Holiday Season

During the holiday season, it can be a challenge to fit in your workout and eat healthy when faced with tempting appetizers and sweet treats everywhere you turn. Charles Pelitera, EdD, assistant prof...

Research Suggests Creatives Worry Less About Dying

Creative achievement can provide a buffer against being anxious about death, research from psychologists at the University of Kent shows. Creative people, such as newly-announced Nobel Prize for Lite...

Pain Free Blood Glucose Monitoring Device Developed

SPRINGFIELD, MA… Western New England University professors Dr. Ronny Priefer and Dr. Michael Rust have developed a hand-held breathalyzer that allows individuals to painlessly check their blood gluco...