Tips to Avoid Overeating

For many people, the biggest hurdle in their quest to eat sensibly isn’t a question of what they should eat, but how much? If overeating is an issue you face, consider the following tips: • Stay hydr...

Childhood Asthma May Increase Risks of Shingles

Nearly 1 million incidences of herpes zoster, which is also known as shingles, occur every year in the U.S., with an estimated one-third of all adults affected by age 80. Despite its prevalence, part...

Three Tips for Surviving Cold and Flu Season

It’s that time of year again. From minor colds to severe flus and fevers, seasonal sicknesses are unpredictable and can sneak up on your family at any time. Unfortunately, even the Centers for Diseas...

Scientists Find New Vessel for Detecting Autism

Evidence of autism may be found in the composition and malfunction of the brain’s blood vessels, a team of scientists has found. Their research sheds new light on the causes of autism, which previous...