Three Ways to Improve Your Healthy Routines

When you feel strong nothing can hold you back. From building your muscles to strengthening your mind and conditioning your body, every day you strive towards looking and feeling healthy in the trues...

The more you run, the denser your bones will be

Spanish researchers have analysed the effect of endurance running training on the stiffness index, a variable that is directly related to bone quality. The results confirm that the greater the race d...

Get the Scoop on Spring Allergies

Spring allergy season seems to get worse each year, and climate change may be the culprit, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Increasing temperatures and carbon di...

Concussion Can Alter Parent-Child Relationships

The incidence of concussion is particularly high in the preschool years – up to around 2% of children aged 0 to 5 years per year. A study by researchers at CHU Sainte-Justine mother-child research ho...

Run for Your Life: Exercise Protects Against Cancer

When you’re pounding along an icy pavement or sweating through a gym workout, you try to remind yourself of the many health benefits of exercise. Between gasps, you can say that a healthy, fit lifest...

Tips on Keeping Your Baby Safe in the Sun

Sun safety is important for people of all ages, but it’s even more critical to protect babies’ skin, which is far more sensitive than that of older children and adults. “Prioritize a healthy and safe...

Small Increases in Sleep Improve Grades

Elementary school-age children who improved their sleep habits also improved in their academic performance, according to a study by researchers at McGill University and the Douglas Mental Health Univ...

Exercise keeps muscles, and you young

A University of Guelph professor has uncovered the “secret” to staying strong as we age – superb fitness. Geoff Power found elderly people who were elite athletes in their youth or ...

Can video games improve health outcomes in children?

The videogames for health (G4H) field is pursuing innovative, potentially highly effective methods for changing behaviors and affecting health outcomes in children, but more research, defined guideli...