Mediterranean Diet

Adopting Mediterranean Diet Cuts Mortality Risk

The Mediterranean diet, renowned for its health benefits, has been extensively studied and shown to lower mortality risk. This dietary pattern, which is traditional in countries bordering the Mediter...

A Spinach Masterpiece

This recipe transforms a plain, ordinary leafy vegetable into a masterpiece to the point where even those who once scoffed at the suggestion of spinach now enthusiastically devour it as long as it is...

Top 3 Reasons Not to Waste Food

More than one-third of all food produced in the United States goes uneaten, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This waste contributes to problems ranging from hunger and malnutritio...

Meatball Crock Pot Italian Turkey Meatballs

Here is a delicious recipe for a night in with friends or to take as a side dish to Thanksgiving dinner this year! Crock Pot Italian Turkey Meatballs 20 ounces (1.3 pound) lean ground turkey breast ¼...

Home Cooked Cuisine: Savory Butternut Squash

An overlooked and often neglected squash, the butternut squash, is the highlight of this recipe. We have to admit, we have been one of the guilty in having never purchased and cooked this squash. Tha...

Healthy & Hydrated Ideas For Labor Day

Labor Day is just around the corner and plenty of outdoor events are happening to make this holiday a memorable one. So, while you catch a little backyard football, prepare the home for fall, or just...